Ice cave collapsed on visitors in Iceland

    Safety&Sequrity 26 August 2024 1498

    Police said two people were missing and two others were seriously injured in the collapse of an ice cave in southeastern Iceland while a tour group was visiting the area. This is what The Guardian writes about.

    A group of 25 people were taking an organized guided tour of the Breidamercuryekull glacier when the cave collapsed, reports

    "Four people are stuck under the ice, two have already been rescued, they are seriously injured," police in Sudurland said on Sunday.

    "The search for two people trapped in an ice cave continues," the statement said.

    Icelandic media reported that two helicopters of the country's coast guard were sent to the scene, as well as ambulances and police were called.

    The glacier where the accident occurred is located near the Jokulsaurloon Glacier Lagoon, one of Iceland's most popular tourist destinations.