The National Guard helps public utilities and the population

    Social medium 13 December 2023 1749

    At the initiative of the head of our state Shavkat Mirziyoyev, special attention was paid to preparations for the autumn-winter period in the country. For example, the headquarters for uninterrupted provision of heat supply to the population and coordination of public utilities in the Tashkent region was headed by the commander of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

    In Chirchik, with the onset of the first frosts, the command of the Military Unit of the National Guard of the Republic of Uzbekistan 98157, despite the harsh weather, promptly came to the aid of public utilities and the population.

    On the territory of the 8th and 10th microdistricts of Chirchik, our fighters, together with specialized services, have begun insulation and thermal insulation of heating mains, defrosting of pipes. In addition, assistance is provided for the provision of heat supply to residents of houses and apartments who, for various reasons, were left without it. Along with this, given the subzero temperatures and icy conditions on roads and residential areas, National Guard soldiers spray sand to prevent accidents. Similar events are held by military personnel throughout the city.

    - Thanks guys. They are great fellows. In winter, it was dangerous to go out even for bread - it was slippery. And now the beauty: the sidewalks are sprinkled with sand, and they will help you get to the store. Thanks to the National Guard from all pensioners, - thanks Varvara Glyzina, a resident of house No. 14 of the 8th microdistrict.

    Maxim Gulakhmedov,

    Sabrina Saparova,

    bloggers of the Umid qanotlari group.