Presidents of Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan sign Declaration on deepening strategic partnership

    Uzbekistan 21 June 2022 3950

    The ceremony of signing documents took place following the fruitful talks held in Kuksaroy.

    Presidents Shavkat Mirziyoyev and Ilham Aliyev signed a Declaration on deepening strategic partnership and building up comprehensive cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Azerbaijan.

    18 documents were also signed between the governments, ministries and agencies of the two countries in the presence of the heads of state. These are agreements on cooperation between regions, in the field of industry, international road transport, the fight against illegal migration, quarantine and plant protection, military and military-technical cooperation, as well as a cooperation program in tourism.

    The documents are intended to contribute to deepening practical cooperation in several promising areas of interaction between Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.