Uzbekistan, Tajikistan Leaders discuss issues of further enhancing practical interaction

    Uzbekistan 4 May 2022 5396

    On May 4, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev had a telephone conversation with the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon.

    The Presidents exchanged warm congratulations on Ramadan Hayit, sincerely wishing peace, happiness, well-being and prosperity to the fraternal peoples of the two countries.

    Current issues of further strengthening friendship, good neighborliness and strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were considered. The course of implementation of the agreements adopted following the results of talks at the highest level was discussed in detail.

    The main attention was paid to enhancing practical interaction, including increasing the trade turnover and promoting priority cooperation projects in the industry, energy, agriculture, transport and other areas.

    The heads of state called for the continuation of active interregional contacts, cultural and humanitarian exchange.

    The importance of holding regular meetings and strengthening coordination at the level of the governments of the two countries to accelerate joint projects and programs of multifaceted cooperation was emphasized.

    Views were exchanged on the current aspects of the regional agenda. The schedule of the upcoming bilateral and multilateral events was also considered.

    The telephone conversation between the Presidents of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan took place in a traditionally trusting and friendly atmosphere.