The President of the Kyrgyz Republic laid flowers at the Independence Monument

    The President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Zhaparov, accompanied by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, visited the New Uzbekistan Park.

    The distinguished guest laid flowers at the Independence Monument.

    The guest was introduced to this ensemble’s ideological content and architecture during the complex tour.

    The New Uzbekistan Park and the Independence Monument were erected in honor of the country’s 30th anniversary of independence.

    More than three thousand years – so deep are the roots of the history of national statehood on the territory of our Motherland. Any person contemplating the monument will witness the artistic embodiment of this glorious past.

    Laying flowers at the monument by high-ranking guests and official foreign delegations during a visit to the country has become a good tradition.

    The attention of the delegation members was attracted by the images of great scientists and thinkers, courageous commanders, and brave conquerors, our Jadid ancestors, depicted on the walls of the complex.