The Adolat Party has approved a candidate to participate in the early presidential elections of Uzbekistan

    Elections 30 May 2023 1910

    The XI Congress of the Social Democratic Party "Adolat" on May 29 this year approved Robakhon Makhmudova, a former first deputy chairman of the Supreme Court, as a candidate for President of Uzbekistan in early elections on July 9.

    Recall that on May 12, the Adolat party nominated Robakhon Makhmudova as a presidential candidate. After that, she submitted documents to the Central Election Commission to participate in the elections and received permission, the news agency "Dunyo" reports.

    During the congress, the party also approved the candidate's program.

    In her election program, the candidate proposed a social-democratic model of the state. The program, in particular, emphasizes that a person, his rights, freedoms and legitimate interests are the highest values of the state and society.

    The candidate also plans to develop a program "Social State-2030" for the social protection of citizens and support of business entities in this direction, as well as to adopt a law "On the guaranteed volume of medical care".