The Embassy of Uzbekistan in India has taken control of the situation related to the theft of money from fellow citizens in the city of Gurugram

    Global development 26 December 2023 3493

    The Indian news agency Press Trust of India has spread information that a group of people in police uniforms stole money from an Uzbek citizen in the city of Gurugram (Gurgaon).

    In sector 53 of Gurugram, three brothers returning to their hotel at about 21:00 on Saturday were stopped by a group of police officers allegedly under the pretext of checking documents. During the inspection of the bags, they stole 16 thousand US dollars and disappeared, according to the news agency "Doone".

    An Uzbek citizen, who introduced himself by the name of B.S., was in India for kidney transplantation at the Artemis Hospital in Gurugram.

    B.S. contacted the local police department about the incident. "The people in the car introduced themselves as police officers, presented their identification cards and said they needed to check our bags," the official statement said.

    An investigation is currently underway at the Gurugram Sector 53 Police Station under articles 379A (theft), 419 (deception by impersonating another person) and other articles of Indian criminal law.

    The Embassy of our country has held official talks with the Indian Foreign Ministry and other relevant agencies, and the situation has been brought under control.

    The diplomatic mission urges compatriots not to succumb to the words and promises of various dubious groups or individuals when staying in India for various purposes, including for medical treatment, strictly comply with personal security requirements, especially in situations related to financial issues, not to use large amounts of cash, use bank cards or money transfers.

    The Embassy recommends that compatriots, if necessary, promptly apply for the necessary consular and legal assistance through the following contacts:

    Phone number: +91 11 2467 0774/75

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