The Chairman of the Senate received the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to Uzbekistan

    On May 27 of this year, Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Tanzila Narbayeva held a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Sultanate of Oman to Uzbekistan Wafo Jabr Nasser Al-Busaidi.

    During the meeting, issues of development and bringing to a new level of trade, economic, cultural, humanitarian and interparliamentary relations between the two countries were discussed.

    The parties noted that the indicator of mutual trade turnover does not reflect the potential of the two countries and it is necessary to intensify joint business projects of entrepreneurs.

    During the dialogue, the sides exchanged views on joining efforts to further make extensive use of cooperation in the fields of science, education, culture, and tourism potential of the countries.

    During the conversation, the importance of intensifying the inter-parliamentary dialogue through mutual visits, exchange of experience and establishment of close ties between the relevant committees of the legislative bodies of the two countries was emphasized.

    At the end of the meeting, the diplomat assured that she would continue to use all the opportunities and potential for the further development of bilateral relations.