Representatives of the Belarusian Stock Exchange visited the Jizzakh region

    Business 18 April 2023 1265

    A few days ago, representatives of the Belarusian Stock Exchange visited the Jizzakh region as part of the implementation of the Strategic Partnership Agreement signed between the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange (UzRTSB) and the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange (BUCE).

    During the visit, representatives of the BUCE met with the first deputy khokim of the Jizzakh region, Abduvali Mustanov, as well as with local entrepreneurs. Issues of increasing mutual trade turnover using modern exchange mechanisms were discussed at the meetings.

    A presentation of the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange was held at the event, during which detailed information was provided about new opportunities created for Uzbek entrepreneurs on the basis of inter-exchange cooperation between Uzbekistan and Belarus, as well as the advantages of exchange mechanisms when concluding foreign trade transactions were explained.

    Following the results of the meetings, the parties agreed to continue mutually beneficial cooperation through the extensive use of exchange trading opportunities.

    Earlier, on April 12, the second joint training seminar was held in Tashkent, as a result of which brokers and specialists of the Belarusian Universal Commodity Exchange were accredited at the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange.