The agreement between the governments of Uzbekistan and Belarus on the mutual application of electronic systems of certification of the origin of goods has been approved

    International cooperation 20 December 2024 1436

    The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a Resolution (PP-448, 12/18/2024) "On the approval of an international treaty".

    According to the Resolution, an agreement was approved between the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the Republic of Belarus on the mutual application of electronic systems for certification of origin of goods.

    The agreement was signed in Tashkent, 2024, on February 8.

    The Ministry of Investment, Industry and Trade, as well as the Customs Committee, have been identified by the competent authorities responsible for the implementation of this international agreement.

    After the entry into force of this international treaty, the Cabinet of Ministers and the heads of relevant ministries and departments will ensure control over the implementation of its provisions in accordance with the established procedure.