The President meets with Khorezm farmers

    Uzbekistan 31 March 2023 4950

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the field of “Khorazm Fakhri” seed cluster in Yangibazar district.

    The total area of this cluster is 286 hectares, of which 147 are sown with cereals, 122 hectares – with cotton. The number of permanent employees is 45 people.

    The Head of state examined the development of crops, inquired about the varieties of wheat and cotton grown, and the yield of fruit trees.

    As is known, Khorezm is a dry region. Therefore, measures are being taken to use water-saving technologies in agriculture. Part of the wheat field is irrigated by sprinkling. And crops such as carrots, onions and turnips have been planted between the rows of the new apple orchard.

    The President noted the need for disseminating such experience in effective land management.

    In Uzbekistan, areas freed from grain are provided to the unemployed for growing secondary crops. In the seed cluster “Khorazm Fakhri”, 80 residents were allocated 30 hectares of such allotments for growing vegetables. This year it is planned to allocate land to another 26 unemployed.

    The President talked with agricultural workers and representatives of farms. The importance of growing crops corresponding to the soil conditions of Khorezm, as well as the industrialization of agriculture, was noted.

    Thereupon, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev completed his visit to Khorezm region.