Internationally and nationally adopted strategies are important in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the transition to a green economy

    In focus 1 March 2024 1062

    Recently, the Development Strategy Center and the Senate Committee on the Development of the Aral Sea Region and Ecology, together with a number of other organizations, organized a round table.

    During the event, the results of the study "Listening to the citizens of Uzbekistan" were in the center of attention, and topical issues of our time were discussed: the transition to a green economy, environmental stability, regional economic development, climate change and its consequences.

    During the round table, Chairman of the Senate Committee on the Development of the Aral Sea Region and Ecology B. Alikhanov stressed that internationally and nationally adopted strategies and other acts are important in achieving Sustainable Development Goals and the transition to a green economy.

    The speaker also noted that, given the limited natural resources, it is necessary to widely introduce innovative technologies in all sectors and spheres, comply with the requirements for the effective use of natural resources in the development of regulatory legal acts, raise public awareness of the importance of reducing environmental pollution, and widely involve the public in organizing processes for the effective use of the environment and nature.

    During the round table, the work carried out in Uzbekistan and measures for the transition to a green economy were discussed. Information is given that according to the Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030", measures are envisaged to increase the capacity of renewable energy sources to 25 thousand MW by 2030 and their share in total consumption to 40%, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30% compared to the level of 2010.

    Following the results of the round table, the results of a study conducted by World Bank experts on the impact of climate change and environmental factors on the well-being and health of the population are presented.

    It was noted that if timely measures are not taken to prevent climate change and mitigate its negative consequences, as well as to adapt to climate change, this can have a serious impact on the national economy.

    The participants concluded that it is necessary to effectively implement operational measures to adapt to climate change and accelerate the country's transition to a green economy, save water and energy resources in various fields, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and produce renewable energy.