Instructions given to train qualified specialists for the construction industry

    Uzbekistan 16 October 2020 4109

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev has visited the new building of Tashkent Architecture and Construction Institute, which is being built in Yunusabad district of the city of Tashkent.

    Construction began in July this year. Two five-storey educational buildings, an eight-storey administrative building and a four-storey hostel will be erected.
    Today more than 5.4 thousand students study at the institute. As a result of the transition to a credit-modular system, starting 2020/2021 academic year, a course was established in 18 bachelor’s and 23 master’s specialties. In order to give future builders modern knowledge, new directions were included in the program, such as designing smart houses and urban infrastructure, labor protection and safety, earthquake resistance of buildings and others.
    After the commissioning of new buildings, the admission of applicants will expand, the quality of education will improve.
    “In recent years, the construction industry has been developing in our country, modern buildings, factories, houses are being constructed. But the question is who designs, who builds and how. It is necessary to train highly qualified specialists who meet the requirements of the modern construction industry”, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev.

    The Head of the state also visited the 8th bus depot next to the institute. It was proposed to relocate the car company and create modern conditions, and organize a research center for building materials in its place.
    “This territory should become a neighborhood of builders”, the Head of the state said.
    It was noted that social facilities will be erected for teachers of the Architectural and Construction Institute, specialists of the research center and their families.