Shavkat Mirziyoyev: Every award is the recognition of the people, the trust of the Motherland

    Uzbekistan 30 August 2022 9711

    By the decrees of the President of Uzbekistan on the occasion of the 31st Anniversary of Independence of Uzbekistan, many compatriots have been awarded honorary titles, orders and medals. A group of foreign citizens was also awarded the Dustlik (Friendship) Order for a great contribution to the development of cooperation with Uzbekistan.

    On August 30, the awarding ceremony took place at Kuksaroy Residence.

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev congratulated the participants on Independence Day and awards, expressed his best wishes.

    “It is a great honor for me to present you, my dears, the highest awards of our country. Taking this opportunity, I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate all of you and our compatriots who are receiving awards across the country”, Shavkat Mirziyoyev said.

    These days, Uzbekistan people are celebrating the 31st Anniversary of the Independence of their native Uzbekistan. Our ancestors lived for hundreds of years with a dream and a desire for freedom. Independence is a great event that radically changed the life and destiny of the country. This idea, this spirit has always been solid support for Uzbekistan people.

    Today, Uzbekistan is entering a new stage of development, huge plans and programs are being implemented. The President called the awardees the most active agents of these transformations, the creators of the new Uzbekistan.

    “A person who works for the development of the country and the well-being of the people will never be in short supply. Today, your noble work is appreciated by the people and our country. Everyone admires you”, the President noted.

    The disturbing situation in the world, increasing competition and gaps in economic ties were noted.

    “In this difficult situation, it is necessary to act, measure not seven, but seventy times. We are building our foreign policy around our only goal – ensuring the interests of Uzbekistan. Our goal is the well-being of people. To do this, we need to use the opportunities more effectively, not only to preserve the existing ones, but also to create new ones”, the Head of the state said.

    Today, Uzbekistan people are moving forward together. Everyone in their field contributes to the development of the country. Elders, who do not regret their life experiences and valuable advice, also help in this. Active entrepreneurs, dehkans and farmers, workers and engineers are making their contribution. Representatives of science, education, medicine, culture, literature and art, and sports are selflessly participating in improving Uzbekistan's intellectual and spiritual potential.

    The criterion for the activity of state bodies was the targeted organization of work at the mahalla level. An important link in these reforms is the mahalla leaders. Women are becoming active participants in democratic processes and reforms in Uzbekistan.

    Uzbekistan people see the meaning of life in children. Young people, who grew up with such care, today achieve success in all spheres and are real support.

    The brave military personnel selflessly serve to protect the borders of Uzbekistan, to guard the peace and tranquility of the people.

    “I consider you my closest associates. We are proud that we are all united, working hard and creating a new Uzbekistan. We have set a high goal for ourselves, being confident in our people, in such brave and energetic compatriots as you. There is only one right way for us, one goal. This is serving the interests of our multinational people, our beloved Uzbekistan. I wish you all good luck and success on this bright path”, the Head of the state noted.

    The awarding ceremony took place.

    “Each award is, first of all, the recognition of the people, the trust of the Motherland. May the orders and medals shining on your chest today inspire you to new achievements and goals. May we have many such joyful days! May peace always reigns in our country, our sky be clear”, the President noted.

    The awardees expressed gratitude to the Head of the state for the high attention.

    The ceremony was attended by heads of state and public organizations, labor veterans, representatives of the intelligentsia and young people.