Talks between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan Presidents take place

    Uzbekistan 4 August 2023 4721

    The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held talks with the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in Ashgabat.

    At the meeting, the heads of state discussed current issues of in-depth strategic partnership between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan based on centuries-old friendship and good neighborliness between fraternal peoples.

    The expansion of practical interaction in all areas was noted with satisfaction.

    Top-level agreements are being successfully implemented. Contacts between governments, ministries, and agencies are carried out systematically.

    The trade turnover is growing. Mutually beneficial cooperation is enhancing in various sectors of the economy. The need for an early launch of the “Shavat – Dashoguz joint trade zone was noted.

    The importance of further promotion of cooperation projects, development of interregional exchanges, cultural and humanitarian contacts was emphasized.

    A thorough exchange of views on the regional agenda also took place.