Cooperation between the parliaments of Uzbekistan and Germany will be expanded with practical projects

    International cooperation 30 April 2024 848

    Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Tanzila Narbayeva held a meeting with a delegation headed by Manfred Grund, Deputy Chairman of the parliamentary group "Germany - Central Asia" in the German Bundestag.

    Issues of expanding relations between Uzbekistan and Germany were discussed, in particular, issues of further strengthening political, trade, economic, social, cultural and humanitarian cooperation and the development of inter-parliamentary ties.

    During the meeting, it was emphasized that Germany is ready to develop multilateral relations with the countries of Central Asia, including Uzbekistan, which is a rapidly growing and developing country. First of all, they expressed interest in expanding the volume of trade in a growing economic direction, attracting new investments, and creating modern manufacturing enterprises.

    Taking into account the importance of the inter-parliamentary dialogue in relations between the two states, a number of plans in this direction have been considered. In particular, the importance of legal support for bilateral relations, the establishment of direct links between parliamentary committees and their further development was noted. An agreement was also reached on the exchange of experience on the implementation of an electronic parliament.

    The members of the delegation highly appreciated the work carried out in Uzbekistan within the framework of the development of women's entrepreneurship, and expressed Germany's readiness to actively participate in this process.

    During the conversation, an exchange of views took place on issues of deepening cooperation in the field of labor relations, ensuring gender equality, ecology and environmental protection, as well as in the cultural and humanitarian sphere.

    At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to develop relevant documents on cooperation in order to establish new directions of relations between the parliaments of Uzbekistan and Germany by organizing mutual visits.