South Korean company to build modern greenhouses in Uzbekistan’s Syrdarya

    Agriculture 4 May 2021 1950

    Deputy Hokim of Uzbekistan’s Syrdarya region Doniyor Madirimov has met with Myung Sung Placon Co., Ltd. representatives, in the city of Gulistan.

    The Korean side expressed gratitude for the warm welcome and noted the interest in the active development of cooperation with partners in the region. It was noted that the company is working out the issue of a possible implementation of an investment project for the construction of modern greenhouse complexes on an area of ​​10 hectares for $5 million, including with the involvement of funds from local commercial banks.

    Deputy Hokim Doniyor Madirimov expressed the readiness of the Uzbek side to support the implementation of the project with the introduction of advanced South Korean technologies, as this will significantly increase the yield of agricultural products. In addition, all manufactured products are export-oriented.