The Tashkent International Investment Forum will be held in May

    Investments 27 February 2024 5312

    The third Tashkent International Investment Forum (TIIF III) will be held in Tashkent on May 2-3.

    TIIF is one of the large-scale events not only for the New Uzbekistan, but also for the region as a whole. Its program traditionally includes: a plenary session at the level of the head of state, more than 50 discussion meetings of experts, including panel sessions, round tables and B2B negotiations.

    Each participant of the Forum will be able to find common ground of interests, study specific investment cases, discuss the latest trends in dozens of different areas and accept promising offers that are profitable for themselves.

    A special agenda of the Forum is the presentation of the potential of Uzbekistan, a country that, against the background of economic turbulence in the world, continues to demonstrate stable growth, gradually turning into a real investment hub of Central Asia. The interest of investors is spurred by the reforms carried out here, and the comfortable business conditions created, including solid benefits and preferences, guaranteed protection of investors' rights.

    The geography and scale of the Forum are growing every year. For comparison:

    TIIF -2022 (the first forum) was attended by more than 2 thousand major investors and high-ranking guests from 56 countries of the world. Contracts and investment agreements worth $7.8 billion have been signed.

    TIIF -2023 has already gathered 2,500 participants from 70 countries on its site. As a result, 164 documents worth $ 11 billion were signed.

    In 2024, Tashkent is expected to receive even more guests - investors, officials and analysts from all continents of the planet.

    Online registration is already available on the website and it will last until April 25, 2024.