Telegram bot "Uzbekistan Airports" began accepting payments

    In focus 12 October 2022 973

    The Telegram bot launched earlier - @UzairportsBot, which allows you to track international and domestic flights, now accepts payments for the Fast Track service.

    Fast Track service is available to passengers departing from Tashkent International Airport. It allows passengers to check in for a flight without queues, customs and passport control, as well as pre-flight inspection.

    In order to purchase the service via Telegram bot, you need to select the Tashkent airport, then the departure terminal and the flight you need. Then the bot will "ask" you to enter your last name and first name in Latin. After that, it will be possible to pay for the service using Uzcard or Humo bank cards.

    We remind you that you can also pay for the Fast Track service directly before departure at the terminal: in cash in national currency or with Uzcard, Humo, Visa, Mastercard, etc.

    In the near future, it is planned to expand the functionality of accepting payment for services of the Tashkent airport.