Scientists have developed a cheap and safe way to extract gold using bacteria

    Science 30 April 2024 2249

    Russian scientists have invented a way to extract gold using bacteria. Representatives of two federal universities from Krasnoyarsk and Yakutsk, as well as the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, took part in the development.

    The bacteria were found in the gold deposits of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. They allow you to extract gold and antimony mineral residues from the ore. A collective concentrate is isolated from the substances, from which minerals containing gold and antimony are obtained, Mir24 reports.

    The bacteria are adapted to the environment of storage facilities where waste from mineral processing is contained. Scientists select and cultivate the most suitable strains.

    Experts noted that the use of microorganisms is safer for the environment than the use of traditional aggressive reagents, as well as cheaper and more energy efficient.