The unique beneficial properties of tomatoes depend on the color of tomatoes

    Healthcare 4 June 2024 824

    Today, tomatoes of all colors of the rainbow can be seen on the shelves: from red to purple, yellow, orange and even almost black. The difference in shades is explained by the content of a particular pigment in the fruits, but all these types are useful in their own way.

    A commendable word in defense of yellow tomatoes, which many are wary of, and quite unnecessarily, was spoken by Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina.

    According to the expert, the carotenoid pigment lutein is responsible for the still unusual yellow color in tomatoes. It gives not only a shade: the substance is able to protect the body's cells from the harmful effects of free radicals.

    "Yellow tomatoes contain more carotene than tomatoes of other colors. It is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular and oncological diseases. They contain a lot of vitamin C and potassium, and vitamin B6 has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system," doctor Mukhina told RuNews24 news agency.

    All of this does not mean that the rest of the colorful tomatoes are less useful. It's just that red products are not always adequately perceived by allergy sufferers, so for them yellow fruits are a real find.

    Red tomatoes contain a lot of the powerful antioxidant lycopene, which also helps protect the body from harmful free radicals. Pink tomatoes, like red tomatoes, contain anthocyanin’s that prevent inflammation.

    Orange contains carotenoids, including the "carrot" trace element beta-carotene, which helps strengthen the immune system.

    Exotic black tomatoes also owe their coloring to anthocyanin’s.

    Black or anthocyanin tomatoes help to improve vision and cognitive functions. Due to the fact that they contain more antioxidants than regular tomatoes, they have additional health benefits. In addition, due to the higher levels of phenols, black tomatoes are an excellent remedy for the prevention of many chronic diseases, including arthritis and diabetes. They are also rich in vitamin C, iron and copper.

    Unripe green tomatoes also have their fans. Fresh, they are practically unsuitable for food, but they are raw materials for canning. In salted and pickled form, hard and elastic fruits with thick skins are an excellent base for salads and cold snacks.