Uzbek specialists are studying the experience of South Korea in the field of water supply

    Education 16 January 2023 1290

    At the Embassy of Uzbekistan in South Korea, a meeting was held with the General manager of the International Education group of the Human Resources Development Institute of the Korean Water Resources Corporation, Chong Yong Kim.

    At the meeting, an exchange of views took place on plans for further expansion of practical cooperation in 2023, including in the organization of internships of Uzbek specialists in South Korea, the Dunyo news agency reports.

    In particular, it was noted with satisfaction that within the framework of the project of developing the concept of the Water Academy in Uzbekistan and professional development of specialists in this field, a group of employees of Uzsuvtaminot JSC and teachers of specialized higher educational institutions of our country successfully held a two-week training seminar at the South Korean Academy "K-Water" on January 5-18 this year, organized in cooperation with By the World Bank.

    During the seminar, participants are provided with detailed information about the stages of development of the South Korean water supply system, the priorities of the country's water policy, as well as tariff policy, the effectiveness of energy-saving technologies in water supply, facilities and water quality standards. In addition, according to the program of the training seminar, it is planned to conduct practical classes and visit a number of drinking and sewage treatment plants and laboratories.

    Qualified personnel with modern knowledge and skills are the main force in the development of any industry. In this regard, Uzsuvtaminot JSC, which is currently in the process of transformation, pays special attention to the issue of training and advanced training of employees, including introducing them to the best practices of developed countries.