A memorandum of cooperation between the Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan and the Press Club of India was signed in Delhi

    A delegation of Uzbek media representatives held talks in India aimed at further enhancing mutual cooperation in this area.

    During the joint event at the Press Club of India, issues of widespread coverage of the dynamically developing multifaceted cooperation between the two countries in recent years, informing the general public of the essence and significance of the large-scale reforms being carried out in our states, and the active participation of leading mass media in this process were discussed.

    Ambassador of Uzbekistan Sardor Rustambayev, editor-in-chief of the newspapers Yangi Uzbekistan and Pravda Vostoka Salim Doniyorov, Acting Chairman of the Union of Journalists Kholmurod Salimov, President of the Press Club of India Gautam Lahiri and others noted the special role and high responsibility of media workers in further strengthening the centuries-old friendship between our peoples.

    A memorandum of cooperation between the Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan and the Press Club of India was signed at the event.

    - In the decree of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev "On measures to support the media and the development of journalism" dated June 27, 2022, special attention is paid to improving the knowledge and skills of representatives of the media sector of our country abroad, - said Kholmurod Salimov. - The memorandum of cooperation signed between the journalistic organizations of Uzbekistan and India provides for improving the knowledge and skills of Uzbek journalists in India, conducting master classes with the participation of famous Indian journalists and other important tasks. This, of course, will serve to bring bilateral cooperation to a new level.

    According to this document, mutual creative trips of journalists will be organized, measures will be taken to share best practices, information exchange will be established, joint events and competitions will be held.

    During the meetings in the leading Indian newspapers The Economic Times and The New Indian Express, an exchange of views took place on the prospects for establishing creative ties between these publications and the newspapers Yangi Uzbekistan and Pravda Vostoka.

    Pranab Samantha, Executive editor of The Economic Times newspaper, and Santwana Bhattacharya, editor of The New Indian Express newspaper, noting the great interest of the international community in the renewal process taking place in Uzbekistan in recent years and the consistent initiatives of the country, expressed confidence that the establishment and development of mutual creative ties will be mutually beneficial.

    - Today, the world's largest media pay special attention to covering the process of updates and reforms in Uzbekistan, - says Salim Doniyorov. - Based on this, the leading publications of our country consistently develop their international relations. In particular, representatives of the newspapers Yangi Uzbekistan and Pravda Vostoka discussed prospects for cooperation with major media structures in India. We agreed to share articles, video and audio content with our Indian colleagues, and to form a joint expert group to prepare analytical materials on various aspects of cooperation between our countries.

    During the dialogue between representatives of the leading mass media of Uzbekistan and India, practical directions for raising bilateral creative ties to a new level were identified.