"IT towns" will be created in the regions of Uzbekistan

    Digitalization 17 May 2024 1612

    A presidential decree was adopted "On the organization of the activities of IT Towns aimed at creating additional conditions for teaching digital technologies and foreign languages to young people in the regions" (PP No. 178 of 05/15/2024).

    According to the Decree, "IT towns" will be created, focused on teaching young people digital technologies and foreign languages in the regions.

    The main areas of activity of "IT towns" are defined:

    • orientation of young people to the field of digital technologies, support of their aspirations to acquire knowledge in this field;
    • formation and development of skills in the field of digitalization that contribute to the success of young people in the labor market through seminars, mentoring programs and online educational resources;
    • teaching young people programming and providing services using digital technologies, increasing their knowledge and potential by teaching foreign languages, including English;
    • training the younger generation in modern professions, as well as developing their skills in the rational use of natural resources.