An Institute for the development of the National Qualifications System will be established in Uzbekistan

    Education 7 October 2024 1399

    The Decree of the President "On measures to further improve the National Qualifications System of the Republic of Uzbekistan" (PP No. 345 dated 30.09.2024) was adopted.

    According to the Resolution, the main directions of reforming the National Qualifications System are defined:

    · improving the regulatory, institutional and methodological foundations of the National Qualifications System;

    · implementation of a system of recognition of informally and informally acquired skills and qualifications ("Recognition of Prior Learning");

    · development and implementation of tools and methodologies for forecasting skills ("skills anticipation"), analysis of skills needs ("skills needs analysis"), study of deficiencies related to skills ("skills gap analysis").

    An Institute for the Development of the National Qualifications System will be established at the Project Office "Center for Educational Projects".

    By February 1, 2025, advanced training courses on the development of the National Qualifications System will be organized at the Institute.

    A unified digital platform of the National Qualifications System will be developed and put into practice by November 1, 2025.

    By December 1, 2026, based on advanced foreign experience, professional standards for 1,800 professions will be developed and put into practice, the Ministry of Justice reports.