It was noted that in 2024, the Ombudsman's institute, based on new constitutional provisions, carried out work to implement effective parliamentary control over compliance with legislation on human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, improve national legislation in this area and the national preventive mechanism, develop international cooperation, as well as enhance legal awareness and legal culture of citizens.
Positive results have been achieved thanks to the measures taken to prevent repeated appeals as part of the implementation of the Senate Resolution dated March 30, 2024. The number of repeat referrals was 3,077 in 2024, which is 21 less than a year earlier.
In order to increase the legal awareness and legal culture of the population in the field of human rights and freedoms, campaigning events were held in 86 districts and cities of the country within the framework of the Ombudsman's School project. Last year, more than 4,000 speeches were organized in the media on the activities of the Ombudsman.
The plenary noted that there are some shortcomings and problems that should be addressed.
In particular, in 2024, the number of applications received by the Ombudsman (23,422) increased by 4,800, or 25%, compared with 2023.
If we pay attention to the referrals received by the Ombudsman in 2024, it becomes obvious that 31.8% of appeals are in the field of social law, and this figure has increased by 82% compared to 2023.
294 appeals were received regarding restrictions on women's rights, their harassment in families, ensuring a peaceful life and preventing domestic violence. Such requests are 121% more than in the previous year (133).
At the same time, 3,857 appeals were sent to the regional representatives of the Ombudsman from the Ombudsman's Secretariat and directly from citizens. However, the appeals sent to the regional representatives of the Ombudsman accounted for only 16.4% of the total number of appeals.
During the discussions, relevant tasks were identified aimed at the effective use of measures of influence established by law, the study of appeals in the context of the regions from which the largest number of appeals come, improving the effectiveness of monitoring visits in order to become more familiar with the conditions created in places of detention of persons with limited freedom of movement and the problems of persons held there, improving the activities of Regional representatives for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Following the consideration of this issue, a corresponding resolution of the Senate was adopted.