The festival "Boysun Bahori" will be held in Surkhandarya

    Culture & Arts 8 February 2022 3589

    Resolution No. 59 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 7, 2022 "On measures for the organization and holding of the International Folklore Festival "Boysun Bahori" was adopted.

    Starting from 2022, every two years in April, the International Folklore Festival "Boysun Bahori" ("Boysun Spring") will be held in the Baysun district of Surkhandarya region.

    The composition of the organizing committee for the preparation of the International Folklore Festival "Boysun Bahori" and the Regulations on the procedure for its holding have been approved. The regulations define the conditions of the festival, including the requirements for the performance of programs by folklore groups - 12 people in the field of folk art, no more than 4 people - in the field of national games and performances.

    The criteria for evaluating the participants of the festival by a jury consisting of 9-11 leading experts on a 10-point scale and the procedure for determining the winners have also been established.

    Expenses related to the organization and holding of the Festival are formed on the basis of estimates developed by the administration of Surkhandarya region and the Ministry of Culture:

    • 30% - at the expense of funds allocated from the republican budget to the Ministry of Culture for holding cultural events;
    • 70% - at the expense of additional sources of the local budget of Surkhandarya region, as well as donations from individuals and legal entities, as well as other sources not prohibited by law.

    The document was published in the state language in the National Database of Legislation and entered into force on 07.02.2022, reports "Norma".