The number of users of public transport services is growing in Tashkent

    Transport 14 June 2023 1483

    As a result of the renewal of the rolling stock of JSC Toshshahartransxizmat, the commissioning of new buses and electric buses of large and extra-large capacity, the number of users of urban public transport services is increasing.

    According to the Ministry of Transport, 782 thousand passengers per day were transported in May of this year. For the same period last year, this figure was 478 thousand (an increase of 63%) passengers.

    There were 1,330 buses per day on the routes, in this period of 2022, daily transportation was carried out on 806 buses (+40%).

    The daily number of flights was 16,741. In 2022, this figure was 10,424 flights (an increase of up to 60%) per day.