Tashkent region will improve the electronic fare payment system

    Transport 3 April 2024 1080

    In particular, measures will be taken to ensure transparency of passenger transport financing and to analyze the full collection of public transport fares. The corresponding decision was signed by the governor of the Tashkent region Zoir Mirzaev.

    Tariffs that encourage the use of electronic fare payment systems in public transport will be introduced before June 1 this year.

    In addition, starting from July 1, the main parameters of the system for organizing and financing passenger transportation based on a gross contract for 21 regular urban bus routes in the centers of the Tashkent region at limited tariffs will be approved.

    Earlier, new fares for inner-city public transport were introduced in the Tash region. A trip by bus now costs 1,500 soums, and in a minibus - 2,000 soums per passenger.