A review competition "One tree for every citizen" will be organized in Uzbekistan

    Environment 27 June 2024 572

    The Presidential Decree "On measures to create a climate-resilient agroecosystem and increase the resilience of agricultural producers to the risks associated with climate change" (PP No. 233 dated 06/24/202) was adopted.

    The Ministry of Agriculture has been identified as responsible for ongoing measures to adapt the sphere to climate change and mitigate its negative impact on the climate, counter drought and land degradation, preserve (restore) pasture biodiversity, develop and widely introduce new innovative technologies into the sphere, carried out within the framework of ensuring food security.

    The National Program on adaptation of agriculture to climate change and mitigation of the negative impact of the sphere on the climate (National Program) has been approved.

    One of the priorities of the National Program is the effective organization of activities carried out in the regions related to climate change.

    As part of the implementation of the national project "Yashil Makon" and the creation of protective plantations, it is provided:

    creation of protective forest plantations in order to prevent desertification and migration of sand, water and wind erosion of soil, as well as to improve the ecological environment in desert, mountainous and foothill areas;

    organization of demonstration seminars for initiators to reveal the winning sides of covering the edges of fields, pastures and open land areas with cultivated crops, shrubs, halophytes and desert plants.