According to the resolution, the following main targets for women's support have been set for 2025:
· providing employment for 2 million women;
· training 250,000 women in professions and entrepreneurship;
· higher education coverage for 250,000 women;
· rehabilitation in sanatoriums and organization of motivational seminars on the formation of entrepreneurial skills for 50,000 women in need of support.
As part of the HAMROKH Women Entrepreneurs Support Program from May 1, 2025:
· A grant of up to 50 million soums is being organized for one thousand mentor entrepreneurs who have assisted women in implementing "green" and IT projects, as well as in setting up entrepreneurial activities for at least 5 women.;
· Unsecured loans of up to 100 million soums will be allocated to women with a positive credit history.;
Prior to the delivery of equipment purchased by women entrepreneurs with a loan, a guarantee is being provided by JSC Company for the Development of Entrepreneurship.