Uzbekistan enshrines the norm of equality of citizens before the law, regardless of their social status

    In focus 12 June 2024 677

    At the next plenary session of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, a draft law aimed at bringing current legislation into line with the new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan was considered in the second reading, article by article.

    It was noted that the draft law provides for amendments to 28 legislative acts providing for bringing legal norms related to the activities of the mass media, as well as fundamental human rights and freedoms, in line with the new version of the Constitution.

    In particular, article 5 of the Law "On Mass Media", which follows from article 81 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is supplemented by the expression that the mass media are free and act in accordance with the law, the State guarantees freedom of activity of the mass media, the exercise by them of the right to search, receive, use and disseminate information.

    Also, based on the fact that article 19 of the Constitution establishes the norm that in the Republic of Uzbekistan all citizens have the same rights and freedoms, are equal before the law regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, religion, beliefs, social origin, social status, 22 legislative acts are being amended in order to bring them in accordance with the text of the new version of the Constitution.

    During the preparation of the draft law for the second reading, the responsible committee, together with the members of the working group, carried out a number of works. In particular, in connection with the introduction of an amendment to the relevant norm, the title of the draft law has been changed, and certain editorial changes have also been made.

    It was noted that the adoption of this draft law will serve to ensure the strict and full implementation of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a new version, the implementation of the priority principles enshrined in it in accordance with the idea of a New Uzbekistan, and the establishment of the activities of state bodies in new constitutional and legal conditions.

    After a long debate, the draft law was adopted by deputies.