Free school buses to be launched in Uzbekistan

    Education 1 February 2024 1532

    The draft Presidential Decree "On the State program for the implementation of the Strategy "Uzbekistan - 2030" in the "Year of Support for Youth and Business" has been submitted for public discussion.

    According to the Draft State Program, the education system, in particular, provides for the implementation of the following:

    • By the end of 2024, 1,400 public-private partnership facilities will be created, including family kindergartens;
    • 518 schools will be reconstructed, 30 schools will be rebuilt, 175 thousand student places will be created;
    • New textbooks for 31 titles, exercise books, and teaching aids for school teachers will be created;
    • Free buses will be launched for students of 100 educational institutions in remote and hard-to-reach areas;
    • The number of non-governmental educational organizations will be increased to 470.