More than 95% of the volume of services in the information sector falls on the city of Tashkent

    Digitalization 22 February 2024 2564

    According to the results of January-December 2023, the volume of information services was equal to 3,723 billion soums.

    According to the Statistics Agency, this type of service is most in demand in the city of Tashkent, the share of this region in the total volume of information services amounted to 95.5% (3,557.3 billion soums).

    The volume of information services by region, in billion soums:

    • Republic of Karakalpakstan - 13.2
    • Andijan region - 2.4
    • Bukhara region - 8.2
    • Jizzakh region - 1.6
    • Kashkadarya region - 13.9
    • Navoi region - 2.8
    • Namangan region - 12.6
    • Samarkand region - 20.3
    • Surkhandarya region - 4
    • Syrdarya region - 4.3
    • Tashkent region - 52.8
    • Ferghana region - 15.2
    • Khorezm region - 10.7
    • Tashkent city - 3,557.3