Conditions will be created for Uzbek students to study and work in Korea

    Education 17 April 2024 1569

    On April 16, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Kongratbay Sharipov received a delegation headed by Kim Yong Hwan, Governor of Chunchongbuk-do Province of the Republic of Korea. The parties held talks on further development of cooperation between the two countries in the field of education.

    To. Sharipov stressed that five higher educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan are currently working closely with 7 universities of the Republic of Korea within the framework of joint bachelor's and master's degree educational programs. He stressed that the time has come to introduce new initiatives aimed at strengthening ties.

    Kim Yong-hwan, in turn, noted that one of the riches of Uzbekistan is human resources, and this attracts the attention of many countries, and on the issue of further expanding cooperation on the rational use of this resource, it is necessary to work out the issue of joint training of highly qualified specialists.

    According to the governor, there are about 20 universities in Chuncheongpukto Province, as well as industrial production, especially batteries for electric vehicles, solar panels and modules, semiconductors, biopharmaceuticals and cosmetics. It is important to train engineers for such companies.

    In this regard, Kim Yong-hwan proposed to introduce a training program for Uzbek students based on grants, accommodation and additional work while studying in his province. One of the members of the Korean delegation, Rector of Chunwon Hwang Yoon Won University, noted that only at his university there are 2,000 vacant places in a student dormitory with all conditions, and he is ready to accept students and doctoral students from Uzbekistan.

    To participate in this program, students and doctoral students need to speak English or Korean, have good academic performance and characteristics.

    At the meeting, the parties expressed confidence in the development of the economies of the two countries by creating conditions for students to acquire modern knowledge and skills.