Tasks in social spheres defined

    Uzbekistan 13 February 2023 5446

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev received leaders responsible for social spheres.

    A compact and efficient management system is being introduced by the Decree of the Head of state of December 21, 2022 “On measures to implement the administrative reform of New Uzbekistan”. In the first stage, the ministries are reformed.

    In particular, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, the Ministry of Preschool and School Education, the Ministry of Youth Policy and Sports, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and the Ministry of Health are organized according to the principle of contiguity of the relevant spheres.

    In his Address to the people of Uzbekistan, the President paid special attention to building a social state. The social state means, first of all, equal opportunities for realizing human potential, creating the necessary conditions for a decent life for people. This requires the qualitative implementation of state policy in education and health, science and culture, and youth.

    Priority tasks in these areas were discussed at the meeting.

    An educated and healthy generation is the main force that moves the country and reforms forward. Therefore, all levels of the education system are being reformed and consistently developed. Many kindergartens and schools have been built in recent years. New universities were created. The number of student places in schools and enrollment in higher education has increased. Now the focus is on quality.

    In 2022, 137,000 out of 386,000 school graduates entered higher education institutions, 20,000 entered colleges and technical schools. But 50 percent of graduates entered the labor market without any profession.

    In the conditions of fierce competition in the world, life itself requires the training of qualified specialists, the adaptation of young people to the changing requirements of the labor market. Therefore, from 2023, teaching schoolchildren at least two foreign languages and one profession will become a top priority for the Ministry of Preschool and School Education.

    Accordingly, the system of higher education must also change. In this regard, instructions were given on reforming the activities of institutes and universities, training qualified personnel, expanding the integration of science and production.

    In recent years, the salaries of scientists have increased by 4.5 times. This year, 1.8 trillion UZS have been allocated for science and innovation. It was noted that it is necessary, using this opportunity effectively, to create a scientific and theoretical base in such popular areas as water and energy conservation, soil fertility and crop yields, geology, industry, and construction.

    The issue of educating the younger generation in the spirit of high culture was also considered. The importance of the development of theater, music and cinema, the preservation of the maqom and bakhshi arts were emphasized. Tasks were set for the wide international promotion of the culture and natural attractions of the country, and the improvement of conditions for tourists.

    Many problems await their solution in the healthcare sector. Today, 56 percent of the population is overweight, 30 percent of citizens have chronic diseases. In this regard, a nationwide movement “Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle” will be organized.

    Instructions were given to improve the quality of medical care by introducing advanced foreign experience in medical education, digitalizing the system and establishing medical insurance. The importance of a radical reduction in premature mortality from cancer, cardiovascular and endocrine diseases was emphasized.

    At the meeting, the ministers provided information on the effective organization of activities and the implementation of the priorities of their ministries.