The use of drones in agriculture in Uzbekistan will expand

    Agriculture 22 June 2023 2441

    Every year, interest in the use of drones and materials collected by them with high accuracy is growing in many sectors of the economy.

    A few days ago, Deputy Minister of Agriculture K. Yuldashev met with the leadership and specialists of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport of the Republic of Korea and the company "Geospatial Information Co. Ltd.".

    During the meeting, it was noted that recently the joint exhibition of the two countries "Drone Road Show 2023" was successfully held, at which drones were presented, as well as a wide range of products and services of six leading Korean companies. It was stressed that there are already certain results of bilateral cooperation in the agricultural sphere in terms of monitoring agricultural land, creating digital maps and 3D models. Thanks to this, agriculture is developing dynamically and on the basis of accurate data, as well as positive trends in the training of specialists in this field and the establishment of closer cooperation with companies from Korea.

    Within the framework of the event, the management of the company "Geospatial Information Co., Ltd." held a presentation of the company's priority areas of activity in the field of production of agrodrons and promising software solutions. The company also noted the high level of satellite photo analysis capabilities and the geoinformation system implemented in Uzbekistan as a whole.

    In addition, issues of cooperation on the use of monitoring and "spray" drones, 3D geoinformation systems, artificial intelligence technologies, improvement of the regulatory framework and the development of personnel training in this direction were discussed.

    Following the negotiations, a memorandum of understanding was signed.