Worthy candidates for the post of chairman of the mahalla (neighborhood) are being studied

    In focus 27 April 2022 1161

    A lot of preparatory work is underway in the regions of our country to organize and conduct elections of chairmen of citizens' gatherings

    It is known that the mahalla institute, which is a unique system of self-government, is being improved in all respects. Therefore, within the framework of the Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan, this unique structure in the world will be even more perfect. It is in the mahalla that the population finds a solution to any issue, problems are solved. To this end, the assistant of the mayor, the youth leader, the women's activist and the prevention inspector who have started a new activity become the closest assistants of the chairmen (aksakals) of the mahalla.

    In this regard, special attention is paid to the honesty and impartiality of the elections, the legality and transparency of these processes, the selection and election of the worthiest candidates for the post of aksakal mahalla.

    Special attention was paid to this issue by the republican working group working in the regions, regional, city and district commissions on the organization and conduct of elections of chairmen of citizens' gatherings.

    In particular, a working group in Kashkadarya region is conducting a comprehensive study. Especially, the selection of worthy candidates in makhallas provides comprehensive support to working groups.

    Members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Mahmudjon Parpiev and Abdurakhim Erkayev also took part in conversations with candidates in the Kasan district of Kashkadarya region. It must be admitted that the questions and answers with the selected candidates clearly show the growth of political consciousness and culture of our compatriots, not indifferent to the fate of our country.

    The Republican working group conducts a daily analysis of the processes. In total, there are 813 mahalla gatherings of citizens in the region, for the position of heads of which three or more candidates have been selected. Most of the selected candidates are specialists with higher education, the information service of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan reports.