The Qatari company plans to expand its participation in energy projects in Uzbekistan

    Energy 23 February 2024 2501

    The Ambassador of Uzbekistan Ashraf Khojayev held talks with the CEO of Nebras Power Khalid Jolot in the capital of Qatar.

    Nebras Power was established in 2014 and is considered one of the leading companies in the energy sector of Qatar. The company has implemented 22 projects with a capacity of 6.8 GW in more than 10 countries around the world. Its assets amount to $ 2.4 billion, and the number of employees is about 5 thousand people, according to the news agency "Dunyo".

    The head of the Qatari company got acquainted with the conditions created in Uzbekistan for the development of a healthy competitive environment in the energy sector, the prospects for attracting foreign and private investment in the industry, the introduction of free and transparent pricing mechanisms and the widespread use of alternative energy.

    Khalid Jolot expressed gratitude for the favorable conditions created in Uzbekistan for foreign companies.

    As a result of the negotiations, an agreement was reached on the visit of representatives of Nebras Power to Uzbekistan in order to accelerate ongoing projects and develop new agreements.