"Telegram complies with EU laws, including the law on digital services - its moderation meets industry standards and is constantly being improved. Telegram CEO Pavel Durov has nothing to hide, and he often travels around Europe. It is absurd to claim that the platform or its owner is responsible for the abuse of this platform," the Telegram statement said.
On Saturday evening, French media reported that the founder of Telegram was detained at Le Bourget airport. This happened when exiting a private plane, which allegedly arrived from Azerbaijan. According to the local press, Durov, who has French citizenship, was on the list of wanted persons in the country, RIA Novosti reports.
According to local media, justice considers Durov involved in crimes for a number of reasons, including Telegram's refusal to cooperate with the authorities of the republic.
On Sunday evening, a Paris court judge extended the detention of Telegram creator Pavel Durov for another 48 hours, La Provence and AFP reported. Now the deadline is set at 96 hours, after which the judge must decide on the fate of the detainee. Either he will be charged or released.