Ministry of Health: a transparent system for assigning qualification categories to medical workers has been introduced

    Education 26 September 2023 2016

    As you know, the Center for the Assessment of the Qualifications of Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers, established on the basis of the relevant Presidential decree of June 20, 2023, was instructed to ensure the transparency of the assignment of a qualification category through the introduction of modern information technologies in this process.

    In accordance with this instruction, an absolutely new, transparent and fair system of document submission and certification has been created.

    So, since September 11, 2023, the Center for the Assessment of the Qualifications of Medical and Pharmaceutical Workers began accepting documents for assigning a qualification category exclusively in electronic form through an information system

    The first online attestations under the new system began on September 16 of this year.

    Oral exams (interview) according to a special program in Tashkent and the capital region, they are conducted online in offices equipped with the necessary equipment in the building of the Center, and for specialists from Karakalpakstan and the regions - in similar offices of the institution in the regions.

    At the same time, questions during an online interview are selected in a "random" order (random selection of a question using computer technology with minimal human factor).

    Tickets consist of 5 questions; the answers are given a maximum of 15 minutes. The answers are evaluated on a 10-point scale. At the end of the exam, the program calculates the average score and immediately announces the result.

    The certification process is recorded on audio and video recordings and broadcast online on the official website of the Ministry of Health.

    Another advantage of this system is that from now on, medical and pharmaceutical workers will not have to spend extra time and money to come to the capital to submit documents and pass certification.

    And most importantly, now only those medical professionals who have regularly improved their theoretical knowledge, practical skills and professional skills will be able to successfully pass the exams.

    This, in turn, will make it possible to equip the sphere with competitive personnel with deep knowledge and great potential, which is an important factor in bringing the quality of medical services to the population to a new level.

    Press service of the Ministry of Health.