Illegal use of natural gas in the amount of 41.9 billion soums was discovered at the CNG station

    Energy 27 July 2022 1594

    During the regular events held in June-July of this year, the State Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with "Uzneftegazinspektsii" and JSC "Uztransgaz" revealed a number of violations of legislation on the use of natural gas by CNG stations.

    In particular, the amount of illegal use of natural gas is 2.2 billion soums for three CNG stations in Bukhara region, 3.3 billion soums for two CNG stations in Samarkand region, 3.6 billion soums for five CNG stations in Syrdarya region, 31.3 billion soums for seventeen CNG stations in Jizzakh region and 2.2 billion soums for one CNG station in Kashkadarya region.

    All identified violations are related to illegal external influence on the indicators of natural gas measuring instruments.

    According to "Uzneftegazinspektsii", based on calculations, the amount of damage caused by these enterprises is 41 billion soums, which corresponds to the monthly consumption of 209 thousand households using natural gas.