The Gender-Madad electronic platform received more than 500 online appeals

    In focus 6 January 2023 1115

    On January 5, a round table was held in the Senate of the Oliy Majlis with the participation of representatives of the Committee on Women and Gender Equality, NGO "Madad", deputies of local Kengashes, members of the standing committee on youth policy, women and gender equality.

    It discussed the state of ongoing work to improve the legal awareness and legal culture of the population, providing women with consultations directly during meetings and online, and explanations on legal issues.

    It was noted that in order to ensure equality of women and men in society, to prevent harassment and violence against women, the Ministry of Justice and NGO "Madad" have developed and launched an electronic legal consultation platform "Gender-Madad" from March 1, 2022.

    The platform hosts more than 200 legal information, information and content related to issues such as gender equality, legal protection, family relations, harassment, violence, alimony. The main part of the content is devoted to the benefits provided to women and their legal protection.

    An Online Consultant Service (online chat) is also available on the platform, through which women can receive real-time answers from qualified experts to their questions on gender equality issues.

    Currently, more than 500 online requests have been received through the platform. Thus, 220 appeals, or 40.6% of appeals, relate to issues of gender equality, 114, or 32.1% - issues of legal protection of women, 103, or 27.1% - issues related to benefits for women, benefits for children.

    During the round table, members of the Committee, qualified experts recommended developing the work of the regional offices of the NGO "Madad", effectively using the capabilities of the electronic platform "Gender-Madad", as well as expanding propaganda work in cooperation with deputies of local Kengashes, the information service of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan reports.