The President of the Senate held a meeting with the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations in Geneva

    International cooperation 25 March 2024 864

    The parliamentary delegation of Uzbekistan headed by Chairman of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis Tanzila Narbayeva is in Geneva, Switzerland, on a practical visit to participate in the 148th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

    During the visit, Senate Speaker Tanzila Narbayeva held a meeting with Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, Director General of the UN Office in Geneva Tatyana Valova.

    Various areas of effective cooperation between Uzbekistan and the United Nations were discussed, including issues of expanding joint programs and projects to achieve Sustainable Development Goals and ensure gender equality.

    It was noted separately that cooperation between Uzbekistan and the United Nations has reached a qualitatively new level, about 140 programs and projects are being implemented.

    T. Valovaya highly appreciated Uzbekistan's efforts to implement the SDGs and noted that it is possible to organize an additional event on the theme "Strategy for Sustainable Development after 2030".

    In her opinion, the Samarkand Forum serves as a kind of platform for women deputies to exchange views and make recommendations on the implementation of the 17 goals after 2030.

    The meeting also included an exchange of views on issues of ensuring human rights and freedoms, gender equality, and women's empowerment.

    Following the meeting, an agreement was reached to continue the systemic dialogue and strengthen cooperation by expanding joint projects.