The President gets acquainted with the life of the mahalla

    Uzbekistan 11 July 2024 1156

    President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Yuksalish mahalla of Baghdad district of Fergana region and got acquainted with the population’s living conditions.

    About 3.3 thousand people live in this mahalla, specializing in handicrafts, production, and services. More than 560 houses have garden plots, and dozens of greenhouses have been established. Residents effectively use them to receive two harvests a year.

    Some families also engage in wood carving, blacksmithing, and embroidery. Today, the number of business entities in the mahalla exceeds twenty. There is a school, kindergarten, and polyclinic, which also employ residents.

    Last year, 131 people were employed. 240 million UZS loans have been allocated for 22 projects to attract the population to entrepreneurship.

    The Head of state got acquainted with the activities of the Gulnora Matkulobod Bodomlari enterprise.

    Almonds grow well in Baghdad. The company distributes almonds to more than 500 households in 11 mahallas, who prepare them for sale. Up to 3 tons of products are processed in one day. Currently, soft-shell almonds are supplied to the capital and regions. The entrepreneur said that she now plans to export.

    The President had a warm conversation with women entrepreneurs and home-based workers. He thanked them for their initiative and hard work, supporting reforms, and creating jobs for women.

    The mahalla budget has 83 million UZS. The streets and courtyards are landscaped.

    At a meeting with the Head of state on June 25 this year, measures were determined to create service companies in mahallas. On this basis, the mahalla service company Yuksalish was established here.

    The service company serves 5 mahallas in Baghdad district. 24-hour work has been established. The company has a technical staff of 22 employees, about ten cargo and special vehicles, and repair equipment.

    The electronic program “My Home” is used to collect payments. Conditions have been created for artisans in the courtyard of the company’s office.

    The importance of expanding this experience, paying special attention to improving mahallas, ensuring employment, and maintaining cleanliness were emphasized.