The President gets acquainted with the ongoing work in public security

    Uzbekistan 7 June 2024 3122

    On June 7, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev visited the Coordination and Monitoring Center of the Department of Public Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

    The center was created within the framework of the Strategy for developing the public security system in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The completely renovated and modernly equipped complex began operations in March this year.

    The center is a unified information platform covering the process of ensuring public safety. Here, the situation at places and employees’ actions are analyzed using digital technologies. In particular, the activities of more than 10 thousand prevention inspectors are monitored and assessed in six areas.

    The “E-Public Safety” and “E-Social Situation” programs, unified information systems for road safety services, crime prevention and maintenance of public order, and the integration of more than 6,000 smart surveillance cameras help with this.

    In addition, the center conducts distance learning for prevention inspectors, employees of the road patrol and patrol service, and probation officers via video communication. By simulating mass events, the center teaches how to make the right decisions and respond quickly in unusual situations.

    During the visit, the Head of state drew particular attention to this issue, emphasizing that employees must be proficient in high technology.

    Currently, the role of artificial intelligence technologies is increasing in all areas. Along with making people’s lives and work easier, they are increasingly becoming tools for cybercrime and fraud. Internal affairs officers must be even more advanced to prevent, detect, and solve such crimes.

    Therefore, the rectors of higher education institutions affiliated with law enforcement agencies were invited to a meeting at the center. It was emphasized that it is necessary to improve curricula from this perspective, introduce dual education, and ensure that educational and scientific activities correspond to the realities of life.

    The task has been set to create a Ministry of Internal Affairs structure for using unmanned aerial devices. Additional instructions were given to strengthen crime prevention and ensure the safety of public events.

    The Public Security Strategy, approved by decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of November 29, 2021, provides for bringing the digitalization of the sphere to 90 percent by the end of 2025. During the visit, the Head of state was informed about the progress of this work.

    The process is implemented in three stages. In the first stage, the problems were studied. In the second stage, specialists and programs were prepared based on these studies. In particular, 66 information systems and modules have been developed.

    77 information systems of ministries and agencies, as well as 25 information systems of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, are integrated with them. Public safety officers were provided with more than 18,000 tablets and trained to use digital devices effectively.

    As a result, 155 reports, 37 office work operations, and about a hundred registers and collected materials were digitized, saving 213 billion UZS.

    In the current third stage, the goal is to create a Data Processing Center, the widespread introduction of artificial intelligence into the sphere, and equipment localization.

    Modern technologies and programs used in the internal affairs system are also demonstrated here.