The President gets acquainted with the project of a modern neighborhood in Samarkand

    Uzbekistan 6 June 2023 5991

    During his trip to Samarkand, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev got acquainted with the presentation of the master plan for the “Shirin” neighborhood.

    This mahalla is located near the international airport, on the banks of the Zarafshan River. It is planned to build a modern neighborhood here in continuation of the creative work carried out in Samarkand in recent years. 389 hectares of land have been allocated for this.

    According to the project, there will be apartment buildings, schools and kindergartens, clinics, sports and entertainment facilities on the territory of the neighborhood. Big businesses and shopping complexes will give an additional impetus to the development of the economy and the growth of the number of jobs. Bridges and roads, the necessary infrastructure, and communication networks will be built to connect the city with the new neighborhood.

    The Head of State instructed to improve the project based on urban planning experience, to expand the scale of social services.