Senators approved a law concerning amendments to the Law on the State Budget for 2024

    Finance 19 December 2024 1186

    During the second plenary session of the Senate, the Law "On amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2024" was discussed.

    The country is implementing systemic reforms in the field of education in order to ensure that young people acquire modern knowledge and professions. In recent years, significant effective work has been carried out in every mahalla, in every village, even in remote areas, to develop social and industrial infrastructures.

    This year, in order to solve urgent social problems in the regions, the most pressing issues related to the infrastructure of mahallas, as well as the implementation of measures of state importance, decrees and resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers were adopted.

    In addition, a number of measures are being taken to bring the country's tax, customs and budget legislation in line with the requirements of the World Trade Organization.

    The law provides for the allocation of an additional 2.5 trillion soums to increase the authorized capital of commercial banks in order to support entrepreneurship and small business projects, 1.3 trillion soums for construction and repair work to address the most pressing issues related to infrastructure in mahallas, 840.5 billion soums for the Fund for Financing Educational Loans to cover the high demand for educational loans and debt incurred last year.

    Additional funds will be allocated to the reserve fund of the Cabinet of Ministers in the amount of 524.8 billion soums for socio-economic development and the implementation of measures of national importance, and 200 billion soums to the Fund for the Support of Young Entrepreneurs.ф

    The Law optimizes some expenses by reducing duplicate staff units, saving budget funds, based on the planned funds for capital investments in design, construction (reconstruction) and equipping facilities, as well as the possibilities of mastering the budget expenditures of the current year.

    The law increases the expenses of the republican budget by almost 10 trillion soums.

    The senators approved the Law, stressing the importance that all amendments to the Law on the State Budget for 2024 are aimed at purposeful, effective and result-oriented spending of funds allocated from the republican budget, to find solutions to urgent problems and their financing.