Shavkat Umurzakov was approved for the post of khokim of Tashkent city

    In focus 3 April 2024 1237

    The Tashkent city Kengash of People's Deputies at an extraordinary session on April 3 this year approved Shavkat Umurzakov as the khokim of the city of Tashkent. This is reported by the press service of the capital's khokimiyat.

    "Over the past period, Sh. Umurzakov proved himself to be a strict and fair leader who is steadily moving towards the goals reflected in the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan - 2030, and aimed at the comfort and safety of residents and guests of Tashkent, improving its investment business climate, and achieving environmental sustainability," the khokimiyat said in a statement.

    Recall that President Shavkat Mirziyoyev appointed Shavkat Umurzakov as acting khokim of Tashkent on March 24, 2023.