Strategic dialogue in the field of education and innovation between Uzbekistan and Qatar gets a new impetus

    Education 29 September 2023 2786

    On September 28, Qatar hosted key talks between the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, headed by Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation S. Buzrukhonov, and Qatar's Minister of Education and Higher Education Buseina bint Ali Al-Nuaimin.

    The talks opened a new page in relations between the two countries and laid the foundation for long-term cooperation in the most important areas of education, science and technological innovation.

    In particular, the parties discussed in detail the current state and prospects for the development of cooperation in the field of higher education, research and innovation. Deputy Minister S. Buzrukhonov and Minister of Education and Higher Education of Qatar Buseina bint Ali Al Nuaimin noted that Uzbekistan and Qatar are ready to expand bilateral relations in the field of higher education, science and innovation and implement joint projects.

    During the negotiations, an agreement was reached on the exchange of students and professors, scientific practices, symposiums and conferences between scientific educational institutions of the two countries. The parties also touched upon the implementation of joint scientific projects in the field of artificial intelligence, biotechnology, ecology and green energy.

    Following the talks, the parties agreed to sign a plan of measures to develop cooperation in the field of higher education, science and innovation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Government of the State of Qatar.